The CE-Hub has launched the first round of flexible funding for Feasibility Studies. The aim of this fund …

CLOSED Funding Opportunity: Circular Bioeconomy, BBSRC
A new Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) funding call has now fully launched, and is accepting applications. The call is entitled: Towards a circular bioeconomy for technology-relevant metals and textiles.
BBSRC invite applications that apply biotechnological solutions to offer circularity and environmental impact reduction in one of two key areas:
- technology-relevant metal recovery
- textile manufacturing and recycling
This opportunity aims to:
- effectively reuse resources, thus reducing the need for new fossil-based inputs and reducing waste
- reduce the environmental footprint of processes through switching to biotechnology-based alternatives
- build in the recovery of materials at end of life, thereby facilitating remediation and minimising environmental impacts
- converge and grow a community of UK researchers and businesses providing biotechnological solutions to the circular bioeconomy
- improve understanding of the capabilities and limitations for translation and scale-up of the biotechnology-based approaches proposed.
The application closing date is 21 July 16:00
The full economic cost of projects can be up to £375,000. BBSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost.
Projects can last up to 24 months and must start by 1 February 2023.
Further information and how to apply can be found on the UKRI Funding finder here:
Towards a circular bioeconomy for technology-relevant metals and textiles – UKRI
BBSRCare holding two community webinars on Wednesday 8 June 2022 10:00 and Monday 13 June 2022 14:00 – registration for these can be found on the funding call page (how to apply section).
Any queries should be directed to: