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‘Revolutionary’ circular economy entrepreneur joins Exeter Centre for Circular Economy
The Exeter Centre for Circular Economy (ECCE) welcomes Dr Tom Dawson as a Visiting Research Fellow in Healthcare Circular Economics. Tom is a clinician, medical technologist and the founder of Revolution-ZERO. Supported by ECCE, Revolution-ZERO have designed the worlds first circular economy system to replace single use PPE in the NHS, driving down cost and reducing both the carbon footprint by over 80% and solid waste by over 90%. Tom and Revolution-ZERO is now working with over 55 NHS Trusts and together with Exeter have presented a Circular Economy Medical Textiles Road Map for NHS Wales and Welsh Government to replace 90% of all single use medical textiles with circular medical textiles 2030.
“I am very grateful to have the opportunity to further foster connections with the University and in particular the Circular Economy Hub and the business school. As a team we really appreciate the world leading expertise in circular economy and academic rigour that the University of Exeter brings to the table. For me personally I hope to be able to continue contributing to teaching programmes and communicating our journey with the University of Exeter through publications and presentations. The association with the University of Exeter will only get stronger as we accelerate forwards displacing single-use medical textiles, first in the UK NHS, and then globally.”
Professor Peter Hopkinson said “I’m thrilled to have Tom join the Exeter centre. He is showing the way to design and implement circular economy solutions at scale and pace with demonstrable impacts for all stakeholders. His approach is transformational and provides lessons for any business wanting to learn how to create a scalable business through Circular Economy”
About Dr Tom Dawson:
Dr Tom Dawson is the founder of Revolution-ZERO, a net zero, circular economy focused medical textiles solution. He has over 30 years of life and physical sciences experience delivering solutions for government, industry and third sector organisations. He holds a doctorate in physiology, anatomy and genetics (University of Oxford); degrees in medicine (Otago) and biochemistry (Otago); and multiple post-graduate qualifications.
Tom has held technical, management and leadership roles in industry and academia. He has published papers, patents and presented internationally relating to circular economy, wearable technologies, information technology, machine learning, change management, human performance and genetics, molecular biology, and the autonomic nervous system.
Connect with Tom and Revolution-ZERO on Twitter: @drtomdw ¦ @RevolutionZERO1