2021, CE-Hub Team
UK Statistics on Waste
2021, DEFRA
The purpose of this release is to announce UK waste estimates that are produced in relation to official reporting requirements. It includes data on:
1. Recycling rate from Waste from Households – new 2019 data
2. Biodegradable municipal waste sent to landfill – new 2019 data
3. Packaging waste – new 2018, 2019 (provisional) and 2020 (provisional) data
4. Recovery rate from construction and demolition – new 2017 and 2018 data
5. Commercial and industrial (C&I) waste –new 2018 UK figures and new 2019 England
6. Total waste generation and final treatment of all waste – new data for 2018
7. Waste infrastructure – new data for 2018
There is a detailed separate dataset available for all sections