2021, CE-Hub Team
CE-HUB Part 1b. Narrative Report, January 2021-April 2022
CE-Hub, April 2022
The UKRI National Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Hub (CE-Hub) is the coordinating Hub for the NICER Programme, a four-year £30 million UKRI funded programme working to provide the evidence base needed to deliver a resilient and restorative Circular Economy for the UK. The Hub works with the five UKRI National Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Research Centres and brings together academics, industry practitioners, policy makers and civic society to deliver, accelerate and upscale CE research and innovation.
The CE Hub’s vision is to harness and scaleup the UK’s leading research capabilities, providing the evidence base, inspiration, and capacity to accelerate the transition towards a global circular economy. To achieve this ambitious vision we have three overarching aims and associated key performance indicators (KPIs).
This narrative document is Part 1b. of the Year 1 Report for the UKRI Strategic Advisory Board, UKRI and the CE-Hub Executive Management Group. Part 1a. Progress Report provides a detailed account of progress made over the first year of the programme towards our objectives and KPIs. Part 1b., describes and demonstrates the contribution that the CE-Hub is making to the wider interdisciplinary and cross value-chain academic, industrial, political, technical and societal landscape through a series of case studies and stories of change.