2016, Stahel
External source
The Circular Economy – A new sustainability paradigm?
2017, Geissdoerfer, Savaget, Bocken & Hultink
A typology of circular economy discourses: Navigating the diverse visions of a contested paradigm
2020, Frianta, Vermeulen & Salomone
The circular economy: New or Refurbished as CE 3.0? — Exploring Controversies in the Conceptualization of the Circular Economy through a Focus on History and Resource Value Retention Options.
2017, Reike, Vermeulen & Witjes
How do scholars approach the circular economy? A systematic literature review
2017, Merli, Preziosi & Acampora
The quest for a circular economy final definition: A scientific perspective.
2021, Nobre & Tavares
A review on circular economy: the expected transition to a balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems
2016, Ghisellini, Cialani & Ulgiati
CE Discovery Workshop – Building the Interdisciplinary Community online
This highly focused 2-day online conference drew together a large number of experts in unprecedented circumstances, even breaking …
Circular Cities Webinar: Implementing the Circular Economy in a COVID World: Regional Perspectives
Wednesday 11 November, 13:00 – 14:30 (GMT) This webinar brings together diverse perspectives from different regions across England …